Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Professor Chapman

We were fortunate to attend 'Evensong' at Christchurch Cathedral, Sunday evening in Oxford. Professor and Mrs. Chapman attend there regularly. The photo on the left, with the Chapmans was taken outside
the sanctuary at Christchurch Cathedral. The photo above right is the inside corridor of the
Christchurch facility. It's meticulously kept!!
On the right, you see Professor Chapman, doing what he does best, teach students at Wycliffe Hall. Steve and I sat in on one of his classes. This man is a walking encyclopedia. Just in the half hour we were in his class, he gave a short scenerio of how the first organ was made, the first clock and gun, taking all back to the Medieval times. So, if you sit next to him at lunch, you know you'll get a history lesson:)

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